Thursday 3 October 2013

Researching company products, what plastics they're made of, and how are they manufactured: (Sorry, this is a dog day).

  • Lego is made out of ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene).
    -This is useful because it can be easily made by an injection moulding process.
    -Because of this process, it is even more great as all the products produced with a certain mould will be the same.
  • ABS is a very durable product and would withstand things like colliding with each other or being thrown about.
    -Also is not toxic as it is used for children, however restricted to ages 3 years or older because of small parts.
  • ABS is also used because it doesn't trigger any allergies.

  • CD's (Compact Discs) are made out of PC (polycarbonate).
  • CD's are made by using injection moulding. This is great because no material is wasted.
  • Because they are made out of PC, they are temperature and impact resistant.

Hard hats:
  • Hard hats are made out of HDPE today, because they're easy to to mold and shape and costs less to manufacture.
  • Made by injection moulding.
  • HDPE is used because it's very impact resistant and protects people from sharp objects penetrating through the hat and also distributes impact shock from things falling on top over a larger surface area to cause less of an impact at one point.

Plumbing & Guttering pipes:
  • Most commonly produced with PVC (Polyvinyl chloride) as it has a relatively low cost. And easy to work with and has biological/chemical resistance.
  • It can become flexible when plasticizers are added to it.
  • It's low maintenance, so it would cause less hassle.
    Made with extrusion moulding.

Eyeglass frames:
  • Some glasses have their frames made out of CA (Cellulose Acetate).
  • CA has many properties for use of a product like this such as:
    -Comfort, no static clings.
    -Deep shades in colour.
  • Eyeglass frames like this are made using a die-cutting process.

  • Tupperware can be made out of PP (Polypropylene) as it's a very impact resistant material and also flexible.
  • PP is also great because it's easy to clean with a dishwasher/hand-washing and it doesn't attract any bacteria/microbes.

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